fashionYanin TaylorComment

Outfit 1

I’ve paired the flannel here with an all white outfit underneath to really bring the patterns out. Keeping the base really basic and the focus on the shirt in this look.

White sweatpants & white crop top - SLA the label

Flannel - Urban outfitters

Outfit 2

A little more rock ‘n’ inspired outfit. This is what I would of worn to Coachella! The flannel worn over a vintage band tee, shorts and cowboy boots! Finished off with my cowboy hat.

Vintage tee shirt but similar here

Vintage levis shorts but similar here

Cowboy boots - Zara (sold out) similar here

Cowboy hat - Topshop but similar here


Outfit 3

Another look that is more of a street style version to wear to a festival. Back in my cycling shorts and just matched it with a plain black crop t shirt. Threw on my Dr Martens and my bucket hat too!

Black t shirt - Pretty Little Thing

Cycling shorts - Brandy Melville similar here

Boots - Dr Martens

Bucket hat - Bianca Kourt

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